Wonders & Exclaims

Years ago we started the book of Wonders & Exclaims, a giant journal in the studio as a place to record our thoughts, questions, wonderings, favorite words of the day, and drawings. This space is dedicated to sharing some of these delights with you.  Enjoy!

“I love touching nature!”

– Matti, age 7 –

The World is Not Just the World

by Valerie W, age 9

One night I went to sleep,
thinking the world is just…
the world.
But then the next morning I awoke
and went to a magical place,
with amazing places,
amazing creatures,
and amazing people.
I did not think the world,
was just the world anymore.
I looked more closely when a drop of water dripped onto a mountain.
I would Listen to the sound of the rain,
Question why the world was a circle,
Explore everything I could,
Create art from natural resources,
and Help other people notice that
the world is not just the world.

There’s nothing better than water and rocks. Nothing so simple.

Alex, age 9

Why do thorns break off so easily sideways?

At Strawtown we don’t just go on walks or hikes, we go on adventures!

Milo, age 8

How is the stem of a water grass above the water different from the stem below the water?

I’m so caught in the colors today!

Celia, age 12

Do fish drink water?

How do you know when you’re done making art?

Can anything live in clay?

Why do humans laugh?

Why do snails leave a shimmery rainbow trail?

I wish I could live at Strawtown!

Cleo, age 9

Why is dirt so sparkly?

Why do I feel happy?

Why do people litter?

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